Architect Susan Desko, AIA

Sun Valley, Idaho






Internationally recognized and local architect Susan Desko moved to Sun Valley and established her architectural practice in 2000.


Her first project in Sun Valley, commonly known as "The Steel House," has become a local iconic architectural gem and was the recipient of an Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects in 2006.


A former Design Architect for Frank Gehry in Los Angeles, Susan is featured in the 2002 award-winning documentary film, A Constructive Madness: Wherein Frank Gehry and Peter Lewis Spend a Fortune and a Decade... End Up With Nothing and Change the World.


She received a Master of Architecture degree from Harvard University in 1988, and has been a design critic at Auburn University's Rural Studio, founded by Samuel Mockbee.


27 Lake Creek Residence received an Award of Merit from the American Institute of Architects in 2010.



(c) 2017 Architect Susan Desko, AIA